當專營天然木、紡織品及化妝品的奧地利「生態(eco)」公司Grüne Erde於2009年5月向WIPO管理之國際商標註冊馬德里系統(Madrid System)註冊其商標後,國際商標註冊案已達100萬件。
公司在努力鞏固其市場地位時,商標註冊常反應出不斷變化的消費者口味。因此,這第100萬件商標註冊案是一個「綠色」品牌,反映了在一般大眾及企業界的環保意識已逐漸提高。 WIPO秘書長Francis Gurry表示:「商標及品牌效益可以幫助消費者在購買商品時做出明智的選擇(informed choices),是極珍貴的商業資產,WIPO國際商標註冊體系是一個符合成本效益、使用便利、流程簡化的工具,國際性企業可以藉以保護及管理其商標投資組合。」
Grüne Erde公司創辦人暨總裁Reinhard Kepplinger表示,很榮幸其公司成為第100萬個國際商標註冊者,他說:「我們發現馬德里體系為本公司提供一種簡單而價廉的商標國際註冊方法。」Kepplinger補充說明,其公司僱用超過300名員工,已證明創立具環保意識的公司亦能在市場上成功地占有一席之地。該公司生產及販售約5,000種以天然材料製成的商品,包括家具、紡織品及化妝品。
過去20年來,馬德里體系的快速成長反映了商標的日漸國際化,以及其在商業上的重要性更廣為接受。自1893年瑞士的巧克力製造商Russ-Suchard & Company註冊了第一個國際商標後,經過約93年,才由瑞士的Sandoz AG公司於1986年註冊了第50萬個商標(此商標現由德國BASF SE公司所擁有);而第75萬個商標則於15年後,即2001年由德國micro Tec Gesellschaft für Mikrotechnologies mbH公司所註冊。第90萬個國際商標是再5年後的2006年,由一家中國公司-潮州楓溪金百川瓷器工藝廠所註冊,而後僅再過3年,國際商標註冊即達到第100萬件。
International Trademark Registrations Top One Million
Geneva, May 11, 2009 PR/2009/589
The number of international trademark registrations topped the one million mark when Austrian “eco” company Grüne Erde, which specializes in natural wood, textile and cosmetic products, registered its mark this month under the WIPO-administered Madrid system for the international registration of marks.
Trademark registrations often mirror evolving consumer tastes as companies work to strengthen their market position. In this case, the millionth trademark registration is a “green” brand, reflecting a growing environmental awareness among the general public and the business community.
“Trademarks and the branding efforts they support help consumers make informed choices about the products they buy,” said WIPO Director General Francis Gurry. “They are extremely valuable commercial assets. WIPO’s international trademark registration system is a cost-effective, user-friendly and streamlined means by which businesses operating internationally can protect and manage their trademark portfolio.”
Grüne Erde founder and Managing Director Reinhard Kepplinger said the company is “delighted” to be registered as the millionth international trademark. “We have found that the Madrid system offers an easy and inexpensive way for our company to register its trademark internationally,” he said. Kepplinger added that Grüne Erde, which employs more than 300 people, is tangible proof that “it is possible to create an ecologically-aware company that is highly successful within the marketplace.” The company produces and sells a range of some 5000 products made from natural materials including furniture, textiles and cosmetics.
The increasingly rapid growth of the Madrid system over the last two decades reflects the increased internationalization of trade and broader recognition of the commercial importance of trademarks. After the first international trademark was registered in 1893 by Swiss Chocolate-maker Russ-Suchard & Company, it took some 93 years to reach the 500,000th mark, registered in 1986 by Sandoz AG of Switzerland (now owned by BASF SE of Germany). The 750,000th mark was registered 15 years later in 2001 by microTec Gesellschaft für Mikrotechnologie mbH of Germany. The 900,000th international trademark was registered five years later in 2006 by a Chinese company, Chaozhou Fengxi Jinbaichuan Porcelain Crafts Factory, with the millionth mark registered just three years later.